How to Fix the Intel RMM4 No Signal on Linux

After installing the Remote Management Module AXXRMM4LITE into my Intel S1200SPL I was disappointed by being unable to see any output when using the Java applet.

Now, originally, I had noticed that after installation of the OS, there was no output to the monitor once Linux had booted. I got around this by installing a spare NVS300 graphic card and telling the BIOS to use it as the primary output.

Sensing that the two were related I removed the graphics card and told the BIOS to use the onboard graphics as the primary display. I still had the ‘no signal’ error in the java applet, but at least the hardware was configured correctly.  After doing some reading and searching, I was able to fix the issue by editing kernel boot parameters. In /etc/default/grub I added the option nomodeset to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=””. such that it read:


Then I updated grub with:
$: sudo update-grub
$: sudo shutdown -hr now

And after rebooting, I was able to remotely see the console.

Further Reading:

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